
Construct details. (MORE INFO)

Construct: Risk Awareness

Note 1: Following are presented the definitions found for the construct in the used references, together with the theory/model.
Note 2: The same construct can be present in more than one theory/model.
Note 3: If the construct was not proposed in the original theory/model, it is identified as "Additional to theory/model".

Definition: Refers to the extent to which information about online retailers increases an online shopper’s awareness of both the positive and negative aspects of the consequences of online transactions with these retailers.

Theory/model: Additional to TAM
Reference: (Son, Kim, & Riggins, 2006)

Note 1: This list contains all the indicators (measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying a theory/model in a context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.
Note 2: Some of the indicators are context-dependent.
Note 3: The same construct can be present in more than one theory/model.

Using Website made me aware of the level of risk associated with purchasing the product from an online retailer.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeB2C net-enabled commerceTAM(Son, Kim, & Riggins, 2006)

Using Website made me aware of whether significant potential for loss would be associated with purchasing the product from an online retailer.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeB2C net-enabled commerceTAM(Son, Kim, & Riggins, 2006)

Using Website made me aware of whether I would confront a negative situation by purchasing the product from an online retailer.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeB2C net-enabled commerceTAM(Son, Kim, & Riggins, 2006)